Vlog: Self Care is Essential!

Happy Monday! Are you coming off of one of those weekends?! You know- the kind where you can’t believe that you got no rest and feel even more tired than on Friday?

The likely culprit…No self care!

Think about it- what did you do for yourself over the weekend? This is not sustainable to not make time for yourself! You deserve to cared for too! Whether it’s a bath, reading a book, or making time for exercise, it all goes into your emotional bank account.

Learn more about the emotional bank account and my self care catalogue in the video! Share your comments and self care success stories below!

You’re not Perfect! [neither am i]


Bloggers! I have missed you…. but not forgotten about you! 

Last week was the busiest week at my practice (saw so many clients!), had the first session of the Build Your Best Self seminar, and attended a 3-day intensive training for Core Energetics (part of my 2-year program). I’M TIRED!!!

Yes, I’ve been slacking on my blogging. My goal is to connect with you at least 3 times per week on here, but that just didn’t happen last week. And it might not happen this week. And that’s okay 🙂

That’s okay ????!! [Did I really just say that?] Yes!!!!!!!! A few years ago I would have NEVER actively admitted to not achieving something I set out to do. Never mind calling attention to it on a blog post! Have I lost my mind?? [don’t answer that :)]

No I haven’t! I want to make it okay for everyone to admit to the same! I’m not perfect, and I’m never going to be. I have this idealized image of myself that I’m never going to reach. And I’m fine with that. Because that idealized self doesn’t schedule much time for fun, works too much, and doesn’t account for real-life mishaps. 

If we feed into the idealized self, we create unrealistic working environments and goals that often lead to disappointment and discouragement to keep trying. Ever worked in a place where salaried employees were working 50-60 hours weekly instead of the intended 40 hours? That happens when one person tries to met an unreasonable demand, and eventually it becomes the norm. Now you have a culture that’s built on overworking and undervalued free time. Not good for the employees or the company itself. 

The US has a disproportionate amount of burn out, workplace accidents, and suicides. I think this idealized self could be the culprit. We need to make it okay for each other not to work towards unrealistic goals and levels of achievement that hinder real life experiences.

Only once we are honest with ourselves can we begin to look at affecting realistic, positive changes to better our lives. I’ll go first:

I’m not perfect. I won’t be able to achieve all the goals I set for myself. Most days I don’t finish my to-do list. I’m human, and I keep trying.

Now it’s your turn! Get real with yourself and others. Stop aiming towards your idealized self and reach for something tangible, realistic, and authentic. Get real in the comments below! Tell us about your idealized self and what’s gotta go! 

Moving towards my best self,


Recovering to Good Health


It’s sad but true: there is a stigma attached to mental health. Especially for men.

What would you’re road to good health look like if this weren’t the case? What could you overcome if you reached out for help? 

Read my friend Josh Bird’s excellent article on mental health and fitness for men. Check out his shout-out to me too!


How your FEAR won’t let you Win!

We all use information from past experiences, our emotions, and needs to make decisions and take action. Our decisions are usually made based on fear or love. But we don’t like to call it fear (because that would be embarrassing!). Instead, we feel self-doubt, frustration, anger, jealousy.

But wouldn’t it be nice to act from a place of love? Real, sustainable change can only happen when we change our motivation to act from fear to love.

How has fear stopped you from taking action towards your goals? When did you regret doing something out of fear?

If you’ve already made this change, how are you acting out of love now? Share your story below to inspire others!

Super Saturday


This Saturday did not turn out like I wanted it to- and I mean that in a good way! 

Ever have those days when you prepare the night beforehand to wake up early, be super productive, eat cleanly, and put some check marks on that to-do list? 

Yup, that was my Friday night. Everything was going to go smoothly on Saturday.

Yeah right! Fast forward to this morning- Slept in, casually made breakfast, went shopping, cooked a big lunch.

At 4pm I looked at my to-do list, disappointed that I had failed at my “productive day”.

This was my window of opportunity– either see today as a failure or enjoy all the down time I had in the morning and make the most of the evening ahead.

Right away I grabbed my yoga mat and headed out the door. At the front of the yoga class sat Ganesha- remover of obstacles (see pic above). I had been to this class several times, and never really noticed it before. But today, I kept Ganesha in my mind and intentions throughout the class.

I thought about this: so often we are our own worst enemies– our own obstacles to happiness and success. We’re overwhelmed by to-do lists, distracted by all of our demands, and find ourselves spinning in a world we don’t recognize. This definitely does not lead to feelings of success and happiness at the end of the day. 

When we slow down and ask ourselves what we really want or need, the next step often presents itself. For me, it was yoga. Allowing myself to forsake my to-do list and indulge in some self care brought me greater happiness immediately!

And from there, my indulgences just flowed…and eventually led to baking cookies! 

At the end of the day, my to-do list has no check marks, I didn’t eat kale, and I wasn’t too productive. So what?! Sometimes you need to feed the soul and re-evaluate what a successful and productive day really means. Choosing happiness and rejecting negativity can make all the difference- no matter what you did today! 

What window of opportunity did you have to choose the outcome of your day? What would you do differently next time? Share below!

First Vlog (video blog)!!

Find out more information about my 4-week seminar by contacting me on this website or via email at brittany.drozd@gmail.com!

Be brave enough to take the risk to build a better you!

RI Fit Magazine


Check out my article on Change Vs. Progress in RI Fit Magazine page 54!

Heard of RI Fit Magazine? They are RI’s hottest and healthiest new resource for fitness, wellness, and overall health. Check out their April issue online or in print for FREE at hundreds of locations in and around Rhode Island. The best part is that they feature local Rhode Islander’s that are fit and motivating! You’ll probably see someone featured that you already know! #smallstate #RIproud


Turn Your Wishes into Reality



Do you ever feel…

  • Not good enough?
  • Unfulfilled by what you do have?
  • Not happy when you think you should be?
  • You’re living without intention?
  • Overwhelmed, spinning, and can’t get ahead?

Sound familiar? Want it to be different? 

Real change is possible when we can identify who we really are, what we want, and eliminate obstacles in our way! This 4-week seminar will supply the tools to make real change possible in your life. 

Being limited to 10 people will allow for more time to work on you and get what you need out of it. 

By the end of this series, you will…

  • Develop your Life Aim
  • Nail down specific and focused goals
  • Identify what’s serving you; and get rid of what’s not!
  • Build the self care you need to succeed
  • Have a greater sense of clarity in your life
  • Ask for what you really want, and have a plan to get it!

Not sure if this is what you need? Ask questions in the comment section below, or call (401.441.1626) or email (brittany.drozd@gmail.com) to contact me directly! 

What did you do today to bring you closer to your dreams?

– Brittany

Change Vs. Progress


 “Only two things in life are certain – death and taxes.” Heard this before? Definitely rings true during tax season! But I’d like to propose that something else is certain as well:


While it often seems that we’re stuck in a rut, we know that change will come. Why? Because it has every time before! We used to be little, then we grew. We used to have flip phones, now we have iPhones.  We used to have no clue about our health, now we’re educated on how to be healthy.

 We know change is coming; yet we still talk about making changes as if it’s some elusive challenge. Change is certain. Progress is not.

So what’s progress? Progress in your fitness? Nutrition? Overall health? If change is anything different from the status quo, then progress is a change that is more specific, goal-oriented, and measurable. 

Progress is a measure of relativity. You’re moving towards change in a specific direction. Movement on that trajectory is identified as progress. If you altered your habits to lose weight, but it resulted in weight gain, this is change but not progress. If you started a healthy diet to lose weight, and we’re gradually losing the weight, this is progress.

You need a goal in order to measure progress from change. PS- “I want to be healthy” is not a goal, it’s a statement. Make sure your goal has specifics, a timeline, and is measurable. 

Specifics: Try “I will eat 3 servings of vegetables daily” versus “I will eat healthy”. By articulating the specific thing you will do, you will be more likely to actually do it!

Timeline: Create timeframes, start dates, and deadlines for yourself. Otherwise, your “Someday” will likely never come. Here’s a sample of a timeline – “I will eat 3 servings of vegetables daily for 6 consecutive weeks, beginning March 9th.”

Measurement: How do you know you’re not at your goal already? How do you know if you’re making progress towards your goal? Most importantly, how will you know when you’ve reached your goal? Measurement. This is key to the whole process of making progress and achieving your best self.

Ask yourself these questions to assess your goal for measurability:

–       Can you count it?

–       Can you create a percentage from your results to determine your progress? (i.e. I ate 3 servings of veggies 3 out of 5 days thus far= 60% progress towards goal).

 –       Can you make adjustments to your goal based on your findings from your percentage and experience? (i.e. maybe only 2 servings of veggies daily is more reasonable for you. Maybe 5 days weekly versus 7 is better for you).

*This is not to say that you should lower your standards, but continuing to progress on an adjusted goal is more beneficial than failing miserably on a strict, unattainable goal.

Ok, Let’s go over what we know:

–       We know that change will come. The question is how, when, and in which direction?

–       We know that progress is necessary for improvement, not just change.

–       We need a goal in order to distinguish progress from change.

–       Our goal needs to be specific, have a timeline, and be measurable in order to evaluate progress.

 If you don’t have a plan, you plan to fail. So make a plan, make progress and achieve your goals. This success will build your momentum for future goals and future successes. Progress, not change, is necessary to become your best self

CrossFit Workshop


I had an amazing time working with the female athletes of CrossFit Providence over the weekend! I never tire of meeting new members and seeing the tenacity and strength in each one! You ladies never fail to amaze me with your accomplishments inside and outside of the gym. 

So in honor of the awesomeness of the ladies at the Women’s Workshop on Saturday Jan 25th, I will let all of you in on a little secret I shared with them:

You can have the life you really want!

I know, right?! Amazing stuff! It’s all yours, just waiting for you to believe in yourself, your strength, and your truth enough to go get it! So this is where I come in…

Do you have a dream life? I do – it’s me on a beach, with a good book, great food, and working 4 hours a day. What’s yours? Want your dream life to live forever in dreamland or reality? That’s your choice!

Want to choose to make your dream life your reality? Not everyone does. Some are too afraid to share their dreams with others because then they’ll have to answer for their lack of progress towards their dream. So they never achieve their dream out of FEAR. Remember what I said about fear…

What’s that you say? So you’re not going to let fear run your life and steer you away from your dreams? GREAT!

Now what? Strategize for success! You’re not going to get there overnight, but if you want to make sure you achieve your dream life at some point, you need a plan!

Below is my Life Aim worksheet  with steps to:

– visualize your dream life,

– break it down,

– determine needed resources,

– prioritize,

– and goal set!


What’s your Life Aim? Share yours below and you may inspire others 🙂 Want help developing a Life Aim? Work with me

Be Your Best Self!
