Vlog: My Miracle Morning

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BLOG: www.brittanydrozd.com/blog/

POST: http://www.brittanydrozd.com/blog/2014/06/17/vlog-my-miracle-morning/

Just VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbvYRPiaxNg&feature=youtu.be

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***Soon I will be removing this blog and fully migrating over, so make sure to sign up!

Vlog: Do Less to Get More

No, that’s not a typo! When you do less, you can get more of the things you really want in your life! Sometimes you have to get back down to your foundation in order to build a skyscraper. Hear my examples in this vlog – and share yours below in the comments!


Vlog: Self Care is Essential!

Happy Monday! Are you coming off of one of those weekends?! You know- the kind where you can’t believe that you got no rest and feel even more tired than on Friday?

The likely culprit…No self care!

Think about it- what did you do for yourself over the weekend? This is not sustainable to not make time for yourself! You deserve to cared for too! Whether it’s a bath, reading a book, or making time for exercise, it all goes into your emotional bank account.

Learn more about the emotional bank account and my self care catalogue in the video! Share your comments and self care success stories below!

You have 2 Options!


When we are plagued by indecision, overwhelm, or a bad attitude we have 2 options:

Change your Mind or Change the Environment.

The former is the more difficult of the two – but definitely feasible! The latter can also feel like a struggle, but is a real game-changer! Which will you choose?

Change your Mind: Situations, behaviors, and interactions are most often benign. But we are conditioned to attached a thought and then an emotion to the event. See diagram. The resulting thoughts and emotions impact your future behaviors and reactions. 


You have the power to change this! Once your become more aware of your cognitive and emotional reactions to a situation, you can choose to attach a different meaning to it – a meaning that better serves you!

Change your Environment: It takes a lot of awareness, practice, and emotional control to exercise a cognitive change, like I just described above. Sometimes in the moment it’s best just to move! Ever heard of fight or flight? Well, your situation may not be that serious, but you could still benefit from “fleeing” the situation and changing your environment. Pissed at your boss? Go outside for a walk. Take your lunch break outside of the office. Or go visit a colleague’s cubicle. 


Take advantage of this great New England weather and increase your Vitamin D with a little sunshine! This can improve anyone’s mood! 

Bottom line: you have two options! Pick on that serves you and run with it! Tell us below which option works best for you? When have you tried using this before? Share comments to spread the love!

– Brittany

You’re not Perfect! [neither am i]


Bloggers! I have missed you…. but not forgotten about you! 

Last week was the busiest week at my practice (saw so many clients!), had the first session of the Build Your Best Self seminar, and attended a 3-day intensive training for Core Energetics (part of my 2-year program). I’M TIRED!!!

Yes, I’ve been slacking on my blogging. My goal is to connect with you at least 3 times per week on here, but that just didn’t happen last week. And it might not happen this week. And that’s okay 🙂

That’s okay ????!! [Did I really just say that?] Yes!!!!!!!! A few years ago I would have NEVER actively admitted to not achieving something I set out to do. Never mind calling attention to it on a blog post! Have I lost my mind?? [don’t answer that :)]

No I haven’t! I want to make it okay for everyone to admit to the same! I’m not perfect, and I’m never going to be. I have this idealized image of myself that I’m never going to reach. And I’m fine with that. Because that idealized self doesn’t schedule much time for fun, works too much, and doesn’t account for real-life mishaps. 

If we feed into the idealized self, we create unrealistic working environments and goals that often lead to disappointment and discouragement to keep trying. Ever worked in a place where salaried employees were working 50-60 hours weekly instead of the intended 40 hours? That happens when one person tries to met an unreasonable demand, and eventually it becomes the norm. Now you have a culture that’s built on overworking and undervalued free time. Not good for the employees or the company itself. 

The US has a disproportionate amount of burn out, workplace accidents, and suicides. I think this idealized self could be the culprit. We need to make it okay for each other not to work towards unrealistic goals and levels of achievement that hinder real life experiences.

Only once we are honest with ourselves can we begin to look at affecting realistic, positive changes to better our lives. I’ll go first:

I’m not perfect. I won’t be able to achieve all the goals I set for myself. Most days I don’t finish my to-do list. I’m human, and I keep trying.

Now it’s your turn! Get real with yourself and others. Stop aiming towards your idealized self and reach for something tangible, realistic, and authentic. Get real in the comments below! Tell us about your idealized self and what’s gotta go! 

Moving towards my best self,


Seminar Countdown!


With only 7 days until the start of the Build Your Best Self seminar, I wanted to do a 12-days of Christmas-isque countdown. See 6 and 7 below:

Day 7

There are 7 days in a week. Each day provides us with a new opportunity to focus our intention, find clarity in action, and pursue our greatest desires. What did you do in your last 7 days? Come join us to find your focus!

6 Days until the Build Your Best Self seminar:

Experts say we are all connected by 6 degrees of separation. But even with the people we already know, doesn’t it feel like we’re separated by even more? It can be really difficult to open up to the ones we love and speak our truth. We have fears of rejection, seeming needy, and feeling vulnerable. In order to Build Your Best Self, you need to rally the support of those in your life. You need to learn to communicate effectively, ask for what you need, and speak from the heart. Have trouble doing that? See you May 1st then.

Find out more information about the seminar on my vlog and email me at brittany.drozd@gmail.com!

Recovering to Good Health


It’s sad but true: there is a stigma attached to mental health. Especially for men.

What would you’re road to good health look like if this weren’t the case? What could you overcome if you reached out for help? 

Read my friend Josh Bird’s excellent article on mental health and fitness for men. Check out his shout-out to me too!


Find Your Passion!


Do you have a friend who is always excited to tell you about their new workout program? How about a relative that’s posting pictures of their nutritious meals? A colleague who is so stoked about their recent promotion?

Yeah, you know these people. They’re usually the ones we love to hate. But have you ever asked yourself, “Why are you hating on this guy?” These people are generally positive, optimistic, and fun loving. So what do you have against them?

Their Passion!

These people have a passion for something- whether it’s the gym, a sunny day, or making a positive change in their life.

So when you’re down in the dumps, it’s easy to hate on these people for their optimism. But really, we’re jealous! The real you says “I want that enthusiasm, energy, and spirit! I want to be that passionate about something!”

So how do you find passion?

  1. The first key to finding your passion is understanding passion. Passion is defined as a strong and compelling emotion, feeling, or desire. Passion can come in the form of positive and negative, such as love and hate. If you’ve ever been really opposed to a new policy or legislation, you can relate to a negative form of passion. It’s important to understand that both forms of passion can be fulfilling.
  1. What turns you on? The second key to finding your passion is paying attention to what turns you on. What gets you excited? What activity leaves you with more energy? What would you do if money were no object? List your answers to these questions in simple, one-word columns. What patterns do you see in the responses? Try to create categories from there to narrow it down.
  1. Discipline is the third key to your passion. What are you willing to wake up at 6am for? What do you make sure you do daily or weekly no matter how busy you are? What is something you feel you can’t live without doing in your life? Again, list your one-word answers and look for patterns and categories. Are any similar to your answers to #2?
  1. What do you want to change? What do you wish was different about the world? What do you want to change in your life? Less stressful job? Travel more? Connect better to friends and family? When we notice we want to change something in our own lives, we often find that’s true for others as well. Suddenly, your desire for change is authenticated and supported by many others in your circle. When we see a need that could potentially benefit hundreds of lives, we can find the energy to bring it to fruition. Use the answers from this section to compare to #2 and #3. 

Now what?

What common threads did you find in your answers? Start looking there for a theme or category that you really connect with. Then try it out! The truth is you never really know what your passionate about until you give it a chance. Maybe your were certain you would love working in healthcare, but you tried it out and it was much different than you thought it would be. Then try again! You can always return to your list for more inspiration.

Grow your list as well! This isn’t something that will remain stagnant, and will change as you grow and explore yourself and your surroundings.

Let go of feeling like you have to have all the answers about your greatest passions and pursuing your life’s dreams. The benefits of passions and dreams are in the journey, not necessarily the destination. 

Already found a passion? Share it below! You never know who you’ll inspire!!


You already know I live Sundays. But today is a particularly beautiful, sunny day in RI.

If I have to spend some of it inside doing work, then a green juice is the best compromise.

But it hardly feels like work when I’m putting some finishing touches on my upcoming seminar Build Your Best Self!

I’m so excited to share all these tools and strategies to build the life you really want!

How will you spend your Sunnyday? Share with us!


How your FEAR won’t let you Win!

We all use information from past experiences, our emotions, and needs to make decisions and take action. Our decisions are usually made based on fear or love. But we don’t like to call it fear (because that would be embarrassing!). Instead, we feel self-doubt, frustration, anger, jealousy.

But wouldn’t it be nice to act from a place of love? Real, sustainable change can only happen when we change our motivation to act from fear to love.

How has fear stopped you from taking action towards your goals? When did you regret doing something out of fear?

If you’ve already made this change, how are you acting out of love now? Share your story below to inspire others!