Happy Sunday!


Happy Soul Sunday to all of you!

It’s a beautiful sunny day here in Rhode Island. But no matter where in the world you are, it’s a beautiful day to reset, renew, and restore for the week ahead.

Who has started Spring Cleaning already? Me too! It’s unbelievable how many material things we accumulate. I moved a year ago and had the opportunity to get rid of all the crap I didn’t need. So I find it astounding that only 1 year later, here I am with the same problem.

The funny part is that when we’re buying all this “stuff” we totally 100% believe that we need this item or really want that thing. But the truth is the need or want are really just masks and lies.

You will always get everything that you need. Sometimes no more than that, but always enough. How do I know that? Well, tell me a time when you didn’t have all that you really needed to survive. Please, do tell me in the comments below if you’ve been through a time like that.

We get stuck in the mask of “I need this” or “if I only had that…I’d be happy. Or “…I’d be fulfilled.” Or “…I’d be [fill in the blank with your core desired feeling].” But these are only lies we tell ourselves.

What we need to be happy will never come from the Apple store or Nordstroms. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But it’s true.

We have to consciously and actively create and pursue happiness in and by way of ourselves. You have to be aware of your life aim. You have to make goals. You have to take chances and move towards your fears. You have to go outside of your comfort zone, and you have to go inside of your heart to find out what you really need.

Today I took to time to nourish my body with exercise, my my mind with organization and cleaning, and my spirit with laughter and friends. This made me so much happier than buying new shoes!

Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself! Clearly your old methods of trying to obtain happiness and fulfillment aren’t working. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this blog! 

Make today and every Sunday a place to get rid of what’s not serving you and make space for nourishment, restoration, and something new in your life. Create your best self in the process.

– Brittany

What is Harvard saying about nutrition?


In the midst of the Holiday season, what are you doing to try to avoid an eating overload and sugar comas? We know you can’t say no to mom’s home cooking and Aunt Susie would be totally offended if you didn’t try her pound cake! So how do you deal?

Make a schedule. Find out when all those holiday gatherings are and write them down. Then make all non-party days the time to recover, restore, and reset for nutrition’s sake!

Don’t just take my word for it. Harvard Medical School’s vast scientific and social research has produced the following tips to make your holiday meals a success – without adding extra pounds to work off after New Years! 

– Change your perspective! Good eating is not a punishment, but an opportunity. If you know why it’s important and what to do, you’ll find it enjoyable and satisfying. 

– Change slowly. By the time you are 40, you’ll have eaten some 40,000 meals — and lots of snacks besides. Give yourself time to change, targeting one item a week.

– Snack on unsalted nuts, trail mix, fruit, raw veggies, Rye Krisp, or graham crackers. Try eating a few handfuls of a crunchy fiber cereal such as Kashi, or nibble on a cereal bar.

– Experiment with new recipes and meal plans. Be creative and take chances. Instead of dreading your new diet, have fun with it.

– Take a long-range view. Don’t get down on yourself if you slip up or “cheat” from time to time. 

What is your plan for Holiday survival plan? How do you keep your nutrition in check? Share below!!

What Success Really Looks Like


I hear this all the time: “I tried to change but it’s not working.” “I keep trying but nothing is changing.” Etcetera, etcetera. Look people, if whatever it is took years to ‘break’ then it’s not going to be completely fixed overnight!

Most people have a linear picture of what success looks like in their heads. And that makes sense for the most part – If someone is successful, they mostly likely have small achievements on a daily basis.

But I like to reality-check that idea with this saying: “an overnight success is really an everyday hustler.” Meaning….this person didn’t become successful in a snap! They’ve worked years to get where they are! 

One of my favorite examples of this is GoPro cameras. You see these awesome sports cameras everywhere in 2013! But what most people don’t know is that the founder first got this idea in 2000! He has been working his butt off for 2013 years to make this a household item! 13 years!!! What have you worked on relentlessly for 13 years? Yeah, I know… me neither.

The point of this is not to make us all feel bad and lazy, but to recognize that each time we keep trying, each effort we make to reach our goals, is still putting on the path for success. We learn from every experience we have, whether we think it came out great or poorly. We gain strength from each time we get back on the horse and give it another go.

Success can largely be attributed to a frame a mind. As said by Tony Robbins:

“People who fail focus on what they will have to go through; people who succeed focus on what it will feel like at the end.” 

So when you’ve been knock off track and feel like you will never achieve change or success, quit focusing on the small steps and get back in touch with your big picture. 

What does your goal look like? What will it feel like when you get there? Share your goals below in the comment section now!

Core Energetics


I am so excited to report that I have started the Core Energetics training! It is a two-year program that will make me a better therapist, better understand my own blocks in achieving my goals, and allow me to be my best self for you clients! 

Based on the fundamental teachings of Freud, bioenergetics, and body work, Core Energetics was born to marry the concepts of talk therapy and internal conflict resolution using the body. See GoodTherapy.Org definition below:

Core Energetics is a method of therapy that strives to achieve transformation through self-discovery. Developed by John C. Pierrakos, this technique differs from traditional talk therapy in that it engages the body’s energy source through physical activity including kicking, hitting, muscle flexing, extreme posturing, vocalizations and expressions, and joins these outlets to statements. By doing so, the client is provided with a cohesive conversation between body and mind. Core Energetics allows a client to deeply feel his emotions and conflicting feelings, and often times the client discovers the sensations of true healing more rapidly than with traditional talk therapy by itself. Core Energetics can be difficult, but it inspires creativity, surprise, excitement and uniqueness and offers immense physical and emotional healing. 

Have you ever experienced an intense emotion in your body? What do you love about your body? What do you wish was different? Core Energetics can help you LOVE your body and better understand your life and shape your future!

Find out more about Core Energetics now:




How are your body and mind connected? In more ways than your thought! Explore your body and deeper consciousness now with Core!